Media release: Visionary educationalist urges radical rethink of secondary education

The Government’s multibillion pound Building Schools for the Future programme offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity for school development and renewal, but are we simply re-housing old problems in new buildings?   Following on from his Channel 4 Dispatches programme, ‘The Children […]

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Press release: New book ‘Overschooled but Undereducated’

Good to see John and Heather cracking away at the nonesense of the current schooling systems. They talk a lot of sense and help the debate about educational

Visionary Books Launch, Recycling Schools and Sir Raymond Priestley Lecture

With thanks to Dr Roland Meighan for this article Those who were able to attend The School of Education at Birmingham University on November 4th enjoyed a lively programme

Independent: Generation of pupils being put off school, report says

Indpendent. By Richard Garner, Education Editor. Friday, 16 October 2009 Teachers should be free from state interference, the report says A devastating attack on what is taught in

Daily Mail: Part-time pupils: children will not have to attend all their lessons under new government plans

Thanks to Alison Sauer for this link... Part-time pupils: children will not have to attend all their lessons under new government plans  Source: The flexi-schooling plan, set to be

‘More than one way to learn’ : home educated students’ transitions between home and school

Thanks to Alison Sauer for this. ‘More than one way to learn’ : home educated students’ transitions between home and school Jackson, Glenda Mary. Monash University. Faculty of Education.

Cambridge Primary Review – update

Cambridge Primary Review - update 1. The report. The final report is entitled Children, their World, their Education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review and is

New Zealand – School dropout now bestselling education author

From Scoop Independent News. Education. Wednesday, 30 September 2009, 5:45 pm. Press Release: CORE Education  A Christchurch school dropout will present a workshop at ULearn after becoming an international

BBC News Teacher issues swearing warning

BBC News 30th Sept 2009 Teacher issues swearing warning. A Greater Manchester head teacher has warned parents they will be banned from his primary school if they swear while

Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse – Book Launch

Centre for Personalised Education - Personalised Education Now - Educational Heretics Press W:  B: W: Invitation to a Book Launch. School of Education, University of

AERO E-News 19th Septemer 09

Some items from AERO 2010 AERO Conference Call for Proposals The 7th annual AERO conference is already shaping up to be quite an event with great keynote speakers including Herbert

The 21st Century Learning Initiative – Briefing Paper for Parliamentarians.

Within the last month the Initiative has issued a Briefing Paper for Parliamentarians on the design faults at the heart of English education. Initially this has gone to

Gerald Haigh: Revisiting the radicals for an antidote to toxic schools

Comment from Gerald Haigh (Times Educational Supplement) from Future – Transforming Learning spaces BSF and PCP Leadership Online: Gerald Haigh’s 5 Things to Think about column National College

Life Media: Natural Life Magazine offer

Life Media produce some great materials and resources and we often refer to their work. Currently you can get a free online  sample of their July / August Natural

New Book. Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse by Professor Clive Harber

Educational Heretics Press are proud to announce their latest title Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse by Professor Clive Harber Contents Introduction         Chapter 1 The School That I’d Like - Edward

Personalised Education Now – Membership 2009-2010 – Reminder

All renewals and new memberships are receiving a complimentary copy of  our partner Educational Heretics Press publication When Learning Becomes Your Enemy by Clive Erricker. If you

AERO Website: New book ‘Turning Points: 27 Visionaries in Education Tell Their Own Stories’

See Aero website - Turning Points: 27 Visionaries in Education Tell Their Own Stories Contributors include: Sharon Caldwell, Riane Eisler, John Taylor Gatto, David Gribble, Yaacov Hecht, Helen Hegener,

Book Review: Recapturing Childhood: Positive Parenting in the Modern World By Mildred Masheder

Recapturing Childhood: Positive Parenting in the Modern World by Mildred Masheder Published by Green Print. ISBN, 9781854250957 ( To obtain copies of this recent book, as well as the others

Personalised Education Now – Membership 2009-2010

PEN Membership renewals are currently being processed. All renewals and new memberships are receiving a complimentary copy of  our partner Educational Heretics Press publication When Learning Becomes Your

Book: Life Learning. Lessons from the Educational Frontier.

While education and learning continues to struggle to meet personal, family and societal need its so refreshing to read some solid common sense. The world has and is

Natural Life Magazine: It Takes a Community to Help Children Learn.

An interesting article from Life Media E-news June 2009... It Takes a Community to Help Children Learn. Creating a Community Learning Center for Homeschooling Families by Marilyn Firth, Mona

Life Learning

While this country treats its children and young people so shoddily (see post below) perhaps politicians could just take some time out from the soundbites and politics and

Primary Schools and Academy Status

Thanks to Michael Foot for this letter sent to Michael Gove MP regarding Conservative Party policy on Primary Schools and academy status  - 28th April 2009 Michael Gove Esq.,

Futurelab: New FREE handbook on curriculum and teaching innovation

Futurelab has just published a new handbook on digital inclusion, discussing the perceived benefits of inclusive education and how these benefits have changed the learner demographic of mainstream

Press release: Schools should be embracing Twitter – Futurelab’s new handbook offers practical guidance on digital inclusion

One of the ways to offer a truly inclusive education for all young people is to embrace their diverse learning needs and encourage active participation on popular social

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