EdYourself – October 4th 2011

New DfE Guidance on Claiming Funding for Home Educated Children On September 30th the Department for Education published the new Alternative Provision Funding Guidance for 2011-12.http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/pdf/a/alternative%20provision%20census%202012%20guidance.pdf For the first time DfE has made it clear that local authorities can claim […]

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OpenEye October 2011

Time to arrest the Erosion of Childhood
Letter page and lead headline in the Daily Telegraph, Saturday 24th Sept, 2011
Dear Letters Editor,  SIR -

650,000 British Children on Drug to Control Behaviour

AERO E-News 20.9.2011

Today there is good news and bad news. We have a great gathering to report about, but also we have received the sad news that John Gatto has

BESA releases ‘ICT in UK State Schools’ research

Schools getting on with it by themselves  20 September 2011: At a time of significant uncertainty and funding cuts the results of the new 2011 British Educational Suppliers Association

IALA E-News 15.9.2011

E-news of 15.9.11
Hello, This has been a very busy week at AERO as we gear up for the revitalization of the magazine and website and catch up on

Book Review: After Summerhill

After Summerhill

By Hussein Lucas (Herbert Adler Publications)


Chris Shute: Lysdexia Rlues K.O.

We can always rely on Chris to get us thinking!  I’m dyslexic, not in English but in Hebrew. I know all the letters in both the printed and cursive

New book: Children’s Rights

New Book! Promoting Children’s Rights in Social Work and Social Care – A Guide to Participatory Practice by Margaret Bell, the 14th book in the bestselling series Children in Charge

Press release: Children and mobile phones

Westcoastcloud survey reveals 1 in 10 UK primary school children have iPhones   Cloud services provider releases Netintelligence App on iTunes  One in ten parents in the UK feels

Self-Managed Learning College move

Self Managed Learning College Moves to Brighton Youth Centre The pioneering South Downs Learning Centre is building on its success by moving to larger premises at the

Futurelab: Newsletter 81, July 2011


Projects and Futurelab news


Shikshantar – Learning Society Unconference 2011.

Learning Society Unconference, April 2011

The sixth Unfolding LSC was organized at the Deer Park Institute in Himachal Pradesh. This year's conference was self-organized around the themes of Contemplation,

The Family School at Larkhall: Communication Workshop.

Finding the Middle Way: A Communication Workshop For Parents. 

It can be very difficult to remain calm and true to your beliefs and values about parenting when faced with a screaming

Born to Learn: Class Reunion

Born to Learn: Class Reunion

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, let me do and I understand" – Confucius We're delighted to link to

Educational Vision and Leadership!

With thanks to Alan Clawley for this snippet... "We need an education system where people can write a few sentences and turn up at nine in the

Flexischooling Conference June 2011

Fiona Nicholson has put up a good page about the CfBT Flexischooling Conference, June 2011and various Flexischooling links on her 'Ed Yourself' site http://edyourself.org/articles/flexischoolingconference.php Flexi-schooling Conference June

CPE-PEN Special Journal 14 – Edmond Holmes

We've just sent our latest Journal - A special edition focusing on Edmond Holmes to the printers. We're looking to circulate to members during June (free to members

CPE-PEN Learning Exchange April 2011

Once again CPE-PEN combined its AGM with its April Learning Exchange in Loughborough. After the AGM Peter Humphreys brought everyone up to date with developments at CPE-PEN including

CfL: Thinking about Learning: Learning to Learn in Further Education

Thinking about Learning: Learning to Learn in Further Education

FREE Sharing Best Practice Events

Changes in the global economy have altered Britain's priorities; we can no longer

AERO E-News 19.05.2011

  Facebook   |  Website  |  Education Revolution magazine

Sharing Innovation: Classroom of the Future.

 With thanks to Dr Tim Rudd for this link
Transforming Learning in Warrington:

Sharing Innovation

Thursday 23 June 2011, 9.00am– 3.00pm William Beamont Community High School and Sports

Happy Birthday Big Society? More Challenges Ahead

The latest thoughts from Dr Tim Rudd as he turns his attention to the Big Society. Happy Birthday Big Society? More Challenges Ahead  Dr. Tim Rudd Livelab www.livelab.org.uk May 17th

AERO e-News 15.05.2011

 Facebook   |  Website  |  Education Revolution magazine     Listen and share Susan

LibEd Bulletin May 2011

With thanks to Gavid Gribble for this post. LibEd Bulletin http://www.libed.org.uk  NEW ARTICLES POSTED MAY 2011  RECENT RESEARCH INTO  EDUCATION BASED ON  CHILDREN’S RIGHTS Derry Hannam  THE RAGGED UNIVERSITY Alex Dunedin The Ragged

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