Submission of Centre for Personalised Education Government’s Call for Evidence on the Draft EHE Guidance.

Submission of Centre for Personalised Education Government’s Call for Evidence on the Draft EHE Guidance.

 The Government’s Call for Evidence on the Draft EHE Guidance and other ideas started on 10th April and finishes on 2nd July 2018, and is here:

This is the submission is the agreed view from the trustees of the Centre for Personalised Education and includes legal advice from David Wolfe QC. Home education is just one area of interest to CPE. Our focus on personalisation brings us to take a critical stance against rigid mass schooling systems whilst acknowledging and celebrating settings / projects / innovations where more open, self-directed, democratic and flexible approaches are employed. We have always been prepared to learn from and with home education communities. One of our founders Prof Roland Meighan was the expert witness crucially defending the rights of home educators in the Harrison v Stephenson 1982 case. The way government addresses home education is significant for all alternative approaches and highlights important issues about the nature of education, childhood, human and civil rights, the boundaries between state and family and so on.  This Call for Evidence also references flexischooling and so is doubly of interest to us. Flexischooling is one our current priorities.

We urge everyone to consider the Call for Evidence and make their own responses.

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Questions 1-7 relate to organisational details.

The CPE Submission can be accessed here: Draft EHE Guidance Consultation. CPE Submission. Shared.


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