Livelab Resources

Our good friend Dr Tim Rudd is growing his new Livelab Organisation. Tim’s posted a host of excellent resources already to the Livelab Tim is author of numerous publications relating to education, new technologies and innovations, as well as […]

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Guardian. Intellectual guru seeks ‘system redesign’ of secondary education.

Peter Wilby The Guardian, Tuesday 22 September 2009 David Hargreaves has recently finished his work on the curriculum and, if he has his way, secondary schooling could

Press release: Schools Need to Develop a Culture of Innovative Teaching Fit for Education in the 21st Century

Schools Need to Develop a Culture of Innovative Teaching Fit for Education in the 21st Century New Futurelab handbook helps teachers to develop innovative practice A new handbook from education

Futurelab – Promoting Transformative Innovation in Schools

The new handbook, ‘Promoting Transformative Innovation in Schools’, is designed to prompt debate around the nature and purpose of innovation in schools. It aims to offer evidence, insights,

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