Edith King: Teaching in an Era of Terrorism

 Good to get contact from our dear friend Edith King recently. Edith’s recent book on Teaching in an Era of Teerroism is immediately brought to mind  with the sad events in the The Boston Marathon bombing and other daily tragedies […]

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Paul Henderson. Thinking aloud about MOOCs

Lessons from MOOCs  In previous writings I have hypothesised that one of the reasons for the success of alternative learning environments is that they provide far greater opportunities for

Paul Henderson. Thinking aloud on Alternative Learning.

Paul challenges mainstream schooling to wake up. When Will the Sleeping Giant Wake Up? Research into alternative learning has shown us many things. It has shown us that conventional

Paul Henderson: Thinking aloud on Pedagogical Research

I really look forward to contact from Paul. He is a peripatetic music teacher and home educator. He knows and understands manistream schooling and the elective home education

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