Toxic Schooling – Kindle Edition Offer

Knowledge is power Educational Heretics Press: announces a new KINDLE publication “Toxic Schooling: How schools Became Worse” by Professor Clive Harber Available until the end of January at the introductory price of only £2.99 from Amazon at:… For further […]

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Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse – Book Launch

Centre for Personalised Education - Personalised Education Now - Educational Heretics Press W:  B: W: Invitation to a Book Launch. School of Education, University of

New Book. Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse by Professor Clive Harber

Educational Heretics Press are proud to announce their latest title Toxic Schooling: How Schools Became Worse by Professor Clive Harber Contents Introduction         Chapter 1 The School That I’d Like - Edward

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