David Gribble – Democratic Education Website

David Gribble – Democratic Education Website

David Gribble has been at the centre of Democratic Education in the UK and beyond for many years. He has recently developed a powerful and lovely website devoted to his work. You will find David’s books, articles, talks and other material. We are delighted to highly recommend David’s site and will look forward to drawing upon his insights.

If you’ve not come across David yet the following will whet your appetite!

My Life in Education:

At present Editor for the Lib Ed collective

Member of the editorial board of Other Education.

From 2000 to 2016 Co-ordinator of IDEN, the International Democratic Education Network
2011 Authoritarian Schooling: a Catalogue of Damage
2010 Children Don’t Start Wars, Peace News
1992 – the present After retiring from teaching, visited unusual places of education around the world, writing books about them and giving talks in many different countries.
1992 – 2010 Trustee of the Phoenix Education Trust
2006 Worlds Apart, Libertarian Education: book of the week in The Times Educational Supplement
2004 Lifelines, Libertarian Education: book of the week in the Times Educational Supplement.
2002 A Really Good School, Seven-Ply Yarns: Victoria Glendinning’s book of the year in The Daily Telegraph.
1998 Real Education: Varieties of Freedom, Libertarian Education: book of the week in The Times Educational Supplement
1987 – 1992: Sands School, Ashburton: I was one of the joint founders and taught a wide variety of subjects. Sands School is, with Summerhill, the leading democratic school in Britain.
1963 – 1987 Dartington Hall School, Middle and Junior Schools, teaching French, English and general subjects. Dartington Hall School, which closed in 1987, was the inspiration for Sands School.
1985 Considering Children : Dorling Kindersley: “The best book about progressive education since A. S. Neill and Curry were in their prime.” (Lord Young of Dartington)
1962 Lawrence Weston Comprehensive School Bristol, teaching French and English.
1961 Kilquhanity House School, Kircudbright, teaching French. Kilquhanity was based on Summerhill principles.
1959-1961 Dartington Hall Senior School, teaching German, French and Maths.
1956-1959 Repton School, Derbyshire, teaching French and German. Repton is a traditional, independent school and was at this time for boys only.
1953-1956 Cambridge University, reading Modern Languages: editor of Granta, the university magazine: prominent contributor to the Footlights revues.
1951-1953 Austria and France two months each, secretarial college for six months, a few months in a retail tobacco business, six months teaching at a preparatory school in Ealing.
1946-1951 Eton College
1941-1946 Connaught House Preparatory School, Somerset
1932-1941 Educated at home and at a local family school in Sussex.
1932 Born in London.

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