CPE-PEN News January 2014

Dr Roland Meighan
I’m sure you’ll join with us in wishing Roland better health in 2014. Roland has a heart condition and has not been well for some time now. He was finally taken into hospital on New Years Eve. At the time of writing he remains in a poor condition. Janet is at full stretch visiting daily, keeping the home and herself going supported by family, friends and neighbours.

Learning Exchange – Sunday 13th April, Loughborough
We are delighted that after many years of trying we have got Tom Bulman to come along and speak to us about his work. Many of you will be aware of Tom’s long association with Education Now and CPE-PEN and his amazing Citischool project in Milton Keynes. This was based on the famous City As School in New York working with excluded youngsters. Tom’s work developed within the constraints of funding leading to the establishment of Personalised Education Centres and more recently programmes bringing the world of work to children and young people. Tom has great insights into learning and life and should not be missed!
More details will follow but please get this date in your diary asap.

New Trustees
We welcomed Alison Sauer in 2013 as a new trustee. Previous newsletters, journals and web postings have testified to the great work she is doing particularly with the flexischooling initiatives. Alison is a tireless worker, campaigner and advocate across a range of educational, parenting and health themes and brings a wealth of skills and expertise to our work. Additionally, we are currently working towards bringing on board Wendy Charles-Warner to the trustees. Wendy brings a wide range of educational experiences of all types of educational and schooling settings, charity work, accountancy, advocacy, legal and campaigning skills.

We still await further movement from the government / DfE in terms of clarifications for families, schools and Local Authorities… but we can’t say we weren’t expecting this to be a protracted process. In the meantime the Facebook Flexischooling groups continue to grow astonishingly well indicating that the notion has seriously caught the imagination.

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