CPE-PEN Learning Exchange April 2011

Once again CPE-PEN combined its AGM with its April Learning Exchange in Loughborough. After the AGM Peter Humphreys brought everyone up to date with developments at CPE-PEN including work supporting Hollinsclough Flexischool Project and network particpants shared various items in the Learning Exchange. It was a very successful and enjoyable day all round but in no small measure due to the excellent afternoon input from Josh Gifford, our newest trustee / director.

 ‘Young People at Risk’Josh Gifford

On the 31st March Josh’s service in Lancaster Local Authority closed along with many other services on that day, due to cuts in funding for public services. At this Learning Exchange, three days later, Josh reflected on his learning and practice of supporting families over a period of eight years. He shared the insights he had gained from his experiences of working with schools and other agencies, and explored the relationship that has developed between the corporate and the domestic in recent years. Finally, considered what will be lost by the passing of his team and what can be held onto and nurtured for the future.

Josh’s session was eceptionally well received. His vast experience shone through as he described the strategies used to connect with disaffected young people and families. It was heartening to hear of the successes he and his team secured in re-engaging youngsters with learning. All of this was founded upon the simple yet absolutely fundamental principles surrounding good personal relationships, building trust and confidence and in the underpinning values that recognise the person first and learner second. Such was the impact of Josh’s presentation that the audience universally hoped he will be able to find time to write further about his experiences.

We look forward of reporting more about Josh’s experiences in future posts.

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